Maintaining an immaculate game court all year round can be relatively easy. However, over time the wear and tear of play, weather, and temperatures can leave materials vulnerable to damage. Without the help of a professional tennis court resurfacing contractor, your court can endure significant damages that require costly repairs. Taylor Tennis Courts is a crew with decades of experience in maintaining tennis courts for both residential and commercial use.

Resurfacing is recommended for your courts every four to eight years. However, there are clear indications that your court may need servicing before then. Keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Cracks in your court surface. Cracks on the surface of a court are a telltale sign that it's time to call in a resurfacing expert for an estimate.
  • Pooling water stays on the surface. It is essential to maintain a court that can properly drain water. When it can no longer do that, it means something has gone wrong with the surfacing. This pooling and lack of drainage can eventually lead to water damage and microbial growth.
  • Mold, mildew, and water damage. These microbes can eat away at the court material over time, making it challenging to play on as well as a sanitary concern. The growth of bacteria, fungi, or organic material on your court can also be a trip hazard for players.
  • Faded paint and striping. While striping can easily be repainted, the color of the court itself is a helpful benchmark for the condition of the surfacing. A heavily faded color can indicate an underlying issue with the surfacing that needs to be addressed.

The crew at Taylor Tennis Courts is ready to help any time you need a tennis court resurfacing contractor. We can ensure that your game courts look like new. For more information about our services or to get your no-obligation estimate, contact us today at (800) 558-3664.